This class provides a very simple trace or logging mechanism that writes trace messages to a file in the current directory. 这个类提供一个非常简单的跟踪或日志机制,将跟踪消息写入当前目录中的一个文件中。
Historically, we've required a fairly simple LDAP registry configuration consisting of one LDAP directory. 以前,我们曾需要使用相当简单的LDAP注册中心配置,其中仅包含一个LDAP目录。
However they are chosen to be implemented, you now have the ability to provide more than simple directory links or spelling suggestions. 但是,这些示例都已经实现,您可以通过它们提供一些复杂的功能,而不仅仅是简单的目录链接或拼写建议。
It's a simple way of moving between two similar directory paths. 那是在两个相似的目录路径之间移动的一个简单方法。
It's a simple way of switching from an old directory to a new one when the two directory paths have only one difference, such as a single word. 当两个目录路径只有一个区别(比如一个单词不同)时,这个是从旧目录切换到新目录的一种简单方法。
To keep things simple, make sure that the kernel source code is in the/ usr/ src/ directory. 为了简单起见,请确保将内核源代码放到/usr/src/目录中。
As a simple example, you'll modify something in the docs directory: you'll add a message that will be easily recognizable later. 举一个简单的例子来说,我们将修改docs目录中的一些内容:添加一条以后可以很容易识别的信息。
This sample provider class uses a simple directory structure to manage user, group, and transaction authorization. 本文的示例provider类使用一个简单的目录结构来管理用户、组和事务授权。
The scenario for this example is simple: You'd like to track whether any files or directories in a particular directory ( or directories) are being created, modified, or deleted. 这一例子的场景很简单:您想要追踪特定目录(或多个目录)中是否有文件或者目录正被创建、修改、或者删除。
Installation of the plug-in tool is relatively simple: just unzip the contents of the wasce_eclipse_plugin zip file to your Eclipse home directory. 该插件工具的安装较为简单:直接将wasceeclipsepluginzip文件的内容解压缩到Eclipse主目录即可。
Installation is simple: just create a directory and unzip the archive to a location on your Python path. 安装很简单:就是创建一个目录,然后将压缩文档解压缩(unzip)到您的Python路径上的一个位置中。
One final tip: A lot of time-killing problems with the classpath revolve around simple errors like misspelling a directory name or compiling from the wrong directory. 最后一点提示:很多耗时的类路径问题的起因大都是目录名拼写错误或从错误目录进行了编译。
In this article, I explained basic Git concepts and used Git to keep a simple directory's contents under version control, comparing Git with Subversion along the way. 在本文中,我解释了基本的Git概念并使用Git对一个简单目录的内容实施版本控制,并在此过程中对Git和Subversion进行了对比。
Let's start with a simple common example: tracking a directory's contents with SVN. 让我们从一个简单的示例开始:使用SVN跟踪目录的内容。
It builds readily on all UNIX variants with just a few simple commands, and you can place the utility in your personal bin directory or in a central directory. 它包含几个简单的命令,适用于所有的UNIX变种,您可以将这个实用工具放到您个人的bin目录或者某个中央目录。
Let's look at a simple example& a telephone number directory. 让我们看一个简单的示例―电话号码簿。
They also use an open source LDAP client called JXplorer to execute simple directory operations like hosting information on ApacheDS. 示例还使用了一个开源的LDAP客户机(名为JXplorer)执行简单的目录操作,例如将信息托管在ApacheDS上。
This simple class holds configurable items for a Web application& for example, the path to the images directory. 这个简单的类中含有用于Web应用程序的配置项&例如,指向图片目录的路径。
Installation is simple, direct upload to any directory site, which has a detailed description of the file corresponds to the change. 安装方法很简单,直接上传网站任意目录即可,里面有详细的文件对应修改说明。
Remember the stuff I said about GNU replacing all the UNIX programs, and that some of these were for really simple task such as displaying directory contents? 记得我说过,GNU替换了所有的UNIX程序,并且其中一些用于完成十分简单的任务,比方说显示目录内容?
This is a simple application that scans all directories and sub-directories in either all logical drives or a user-selected starting directory. 这是一个简单的应用程序,它扫描所有逻辑驱动器或用户选定的起始目录中的所有目录和子目录。
FTP, WebDav, file systems ( I've even left a simple file directory adapter configuration commented out in the source code under the email adapter.), etc, are all viable inbound types. 文件系统(在源码中,电子邮件适配器的下面注释了一个简单的文件目录适配器配置)等都是可行的输入类型。
We saw on the forums that many people have a simple EDA that is based on files being dropped in a directory or an email being sent to a certain address. 我们在论坛上看到很多人有简单的EDA,它基于目录中提供的文件,或者是发送到特定地址的电子邮件。
A Simple Network Management Model Based on ADSI and Directory Service 基于ADSI和目录服务的网络管理模型
The remote request file is similar to a simple NC programme. The request file is saved under programme directory of NC system after debugging. 远程请求文件实际上类似于一个简单的数控程序,根据数控系统类型调试好后保存在数控系统的程序目录中。